Unlock Your Academic Potential: English for International Studies

Embark on a transformative journey with our specialised program tailored for non native
English speakers preparing for international schools. Our dedicated instructors are committed
to providing you with the essential language skills required for seamless integrati on into an
English taught academic curriculum.
Vocabulary Mastery: Learn and practise the most frequently used words and phrases
essential for academic success.

Effective Communication Skills: Enhance your spoken English proficiency, enabling you
to confidently participate in class discussions and presentations.

Reading Comprehension: Develop the ability to comprehend and analyse academic texts,
preparing you for the rigours of English based coursework.

Writing Proficiency: Hone your wri ting skills for academic essays, reports, and
assignments, ensuring you can express your ideas clearly and coherently.
Rapid adaptation to English as the primary language of instruction.

Increased confidence in understanding and utilising academic vocabulary.

Improved communication skills for effective participation in classroom activities.
Our experienced instructors are dedicated to gu
iding you through the learning process with a
direct and practical approach. They understand the unique challenges non English speakers
face and are committed to helping you overcome language barriers efficiently.